Monday, February 22, 2010

Technology and Society

Williams raised the question "Did we form technology or did it form us?" This question raises many other questions about technology and society. I think that society is constantly demanding more from technology. For example, it is not necessary to have a cell phone that also can be substituted as a camera or a computer. The issue is that society wants a cell phone that can do multiple things so they develop and change technology so that they can get what they want. Technology wouldn't continue to develop if there wasn't someone to try to develop it.
Society has the urge to continue growing and developing. There is a high demand for technology to do more and more for us. Referring to a previous post of mine, the new I-Pad is a prime example of how there is a demand for technology to do more and more. The good thing is that with the technology that we have today, we can do way more than we every thought that we could. I think this is a good thing but some people believe that it is a bad thing. I think that being able to multi-task by using technology has helped people more than it has hurt them.
A recent article that I found on has stated that technology is pulling people away from their real world and having them live in a fantasy and internet-centered world. There are multiple examples of people being in a public place or with a loved one and completely zoned out on their smartphones. Experts say that many divorce counselors keep hearing the same complaint, "My loved one is never here mentally just physically." This complaint is because of the overuse of the smartphones. I think that problem isn't the phones but it is the people that are using them. Many people have these phones but don't feel as if they have to be on it at all times. The phones are meant for making life easier, people just have to make sure that they use them correctly.

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