Monday, February 15, 2010

History of Technology According to McClulen

In class today the professor covered the history of technology according to McClulen. This lecture was interesting because it covered the different types of technology and media that were present throughout time. The invention of the printing press was the first thing that really started to make the printing faster and more efficient. It helped to cut down on labor time and it was able to be altered and changed so that it could print more than one book. The one thing that I found extremely interesting in the lecture was the talk of how technology and media change the way that one thinks and sees the world. This idea is holds true because of the way that my parents think and see the world vs. the way that I do for example. My parents are not very computer savvy and they would never think to use the computer for some things that I would jump right on the computer for. I taught my mom how to use the computer for looking up directions, recipes, etc. She said that she thought the internet was only good for e-mails and facebook. I laughed because I knew that there were so many things that would be helpful to my mother that she could find on the internet.

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