Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 1

In class we were shown the video, A Vision of Student's Today. This video showed a breakdown of how a college student spends their day. The average college student lives more than a 24 hour day. The video shows examples of things that students do throughout the day that take up a significant amount of their day. Some examples of what the students spend time doing during the day were the computer, eating, sleeping, watching television, and school work. The students admit to doing these things simultaneously.
People today try to do so many things at once that they spread themselves thin. They have to do multiple things at one time so that everything they need to do gets done on time. Some say that technology can fix these problems but then again technology can cause these problems as well. I enjoyed this video because I think that all of the things that the students say in the video are true and I can relate to them. I showed my friends in my dorm this video because I thought that it was important for them to see the truth too.

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