Monday, March 8, 2010

Computer Knowledge

Something that really got my attention in class was when the professor was talking about knowledge and the computer. Each computer has a specific architecture. The architecture of a computer is it's software and hardware. The computer only contains so much knowledge but it is knowledge that the user wants it to contain. There are three computer-human interactions. The first one is the model of "you". The second interaction is the model of the computer and "your" model of it. And the third interaction is the computer's model of "you're" model of it's model of "you". These interactions are important because they are what make up the knowledge of the computer and that the computer possesses. These interactions are implicit knowledge because it is knowledge that is already known. The computer holds the knowledge that you want it to and so it is ultimately a model of you. One funny comic strip that I found shows the knowledge of a student and how the computer comes to help.

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