Monday, March 22, 2010

Who Writes Wikis!?

On I found an article that talks about who writes Wikipedia articles. I found this interesting because for our New Media class has us make our own Wikipedias. Wikipedias can be altered by anybody that would like to add their own knowledge on a certain topic. Researchers have found that there are many different types of people that post to the Wikis. They found that usually a person that posts to one Wiki, will then post to others, but they will not play the same "role" in both articles. The researchers found that there were six types of contributors. They were categorized by their level of contribution. "Entries largely built by "all-round editors," who are active in all angles of writing, editing and linking, garnered the most top-quality ratings." This means that articles that have been edited numerous times by those who have contributed to many articles have more credibility. One point that they researchers want to make is that just because an article only has editors that are one-time editors, doesn't mean that they are not worthy. They stress that in order to make Wikipedia more credible, there must be more contributors. I think that by having different types of people in our groups in class we are all making our Wikipedia more credible by editing it multiple times with different types of opinions.

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