Monday, May 3, 2010

Human vs. Machine

In the argument of humans vs. machines humans are the thesis and machines are the anti-thesis. Humans were the beginning and then machines came afterwords. Humans have feelings and are alive they are organic and nature. Machines are inorganic, they are made out of metals and plastics. They are logical and not alive. Machines are the exact opposite of human beings. In class our professor raised the question of how can humans and machines join together without a problem occurring? He explained how a synthesis starts to occur and that machines start to become human-like. The example given in class was the terminator movie and how a man becomes a machine and how a machine becomes a human. This synthesis of human and machine is referred to as a cyborg. There is a movie that is called Cyborg where a plague takes over and a certain cyborg woman who is half woman half machine contains the cure to the plague. This 1989 action packed movie was in reality introducing the notion that people can become synthesized with a machine. Now we are claiming that humans can become synthesized with their computers and their cell phones. This takes the saying, attached to your cell phone literally.

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