Friday, April 16, 2010


Hypertext is changing the way that people obtain knowledge. Hypertext has made it possible for people to be constantly learning new things, even if they do not realize it. Hypertext makes it easy to move from information to information, topic to topic. Hypertext is fluid and has multiple vectors. It contains links which allows people to instantaneously see related information by clicking on them. Hypertext is the new and improved version of print. With print, it took a long time to reproduce information and it took a long time to access related information because a person must find the publication first. Ted Nelson coined the word "hypertext" in 1965 and worked with Andries van Dam to develop the Hypertext Editing System in 1968. Hypertext gives Web surfers the ability to issue many commands on any text on the web, not only pre-written links. Hypertext has really advanced and helped when it comes to retaining knowledge.

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